Online Store at Society6

Hello all. I know it's been a while since my last post, but trust me, I've been very busy. If you've been following this site, you know that I produce a calendar featuring my artwork that I give out to my family and friends every year. This year I've decided to produce some prints for sale online. This way, more people can see what I'm up to. To all of you who have been following me and my postings, please take a minute or two and check out my store at As of this posting, I have five calendars for sale, but there will be more artwork to come before the end of the year. I'll be posting them as they are completed, so check regularly. These posters are designed to be printed at size 11x17 or higher. Each piece has a lot of cool details in them that would be missed if printed at a smaller size. If you like what you see, buy a one. Or two! Also tell your friends about them. I could use the encouragement. Thank you.