I feel like people are talking about me. Not sure if it's good or bad, but I feel it. I guess I should be happy that I'm important enough to talk about in rumor. Boring people never get a mention. Who would care?
When I woke my daughter up this morning, she half-asleep said: "Aw, Daddy! I was having a good dream!" I kinda felt bad that I woke her up, but I had to know what this dream was about. So I asked her, "Honey, what was the dream about?" Normally, Cyan gives me some weird story about being chased by giant bowling balls, swimming with Spongebob Squarepants, or being 'Princess Cyan'. This morning, however, I was rocked. She said: "I had a dream that my Mommy died, you weren't around anymore and I got a new Mommy." I didn't know how to respond to this. I was rocked. Finally, I said, "Cyan, Honey. That was NOT a good dream. That was a bad dream." To this, she replies: "No, Daddy! My new Mommy was really nice to me. I liked her." Where did this come from?? I lectured her about how her mother and her father both love her very much. Even though Mommy and Daddy don't live together anymore, we still will always be there f...
I am now selling my 2016 Calendars on my online store at Society6 . I have a few brand new designs as well as a some redesigns. Check them out and buy one for yourself or your friends! Candy: Arcades: Travel: Liquor: Male Action Heroes: Female Action Heroes: Car Chase Legends: Soda: Space Fleet: Dragons:
This 2022 Desk Calendar is an homage to classic arcade games. Each monthly "Cartridge" features a different game. Please contact me via email or Instagram lwashington326@gmail.com | instagram.com/art_by_lw
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