Looking Back - Part V - Valentine's Day 2008

I got into the groove after two successful runs of my V-Day series. However, the novelty was starting to wear off. Not that I didn't enjoy making these, I just got bored of the idea. This was to be the last year I go "all out" on Valentine's Day. Of course, I'm wishy-washy. I may catch the bug again and create some more some day, who knows? By the way, you may notice that these pieces have a copyright date of 2007. That's because these were so detailed that I started on them in September of 2007 to be released in February of 2008. Enjoy: I got the idea for this one when I happened upon a poster on the wall somewhere in San Francisco. I thought it would be a good idea if I parodied one of the most iconic images in american popular culture. This is the result. While I didn't pull off the painted look of the original, I like the end result. But I admit I took some creative liberties on my chest. I wish I had a six-pack like that! Ah, now we come to my favori...