Looking Back - Part II
I'd like to share some posters I made for my office get-togethers. These were done pretty quickly, and looking at these now, I kinda cringe at how amateur some of it was. But I did it, so they are what they are. Enjoy:

I like the design of this one. Especially because I came up with it over a weekend and I started on Saturday having no clue what the design would be. Then all of a sudden, it came to me. I got really excited as i sketched out a draft. The final came out better than I thought it would. I gave myself a big pat on the back after this one.

This is another rush job. The theme was music and I had a pretty cool idea for what I wanted to do. However, the design I wanted to make would take longer than the time I had to do it in, so I scrapped it for the time being. I later used that idea for a valentine's day card. You'll see that one later. For this poster, I decided on a simple piece showcasing two of my favorite artists. I don;t do too much true-to-life pieces, but I think these came out well. I may have to do more like this somewhere down the line.

Again, I was tasked with making this one last-minute. Well, not entirely. I knew I;d have to do another poster, it's just that I had no idea if we would actually have an event to do a poster for. As soon as I got word we'd do it, I got started on this piece. Simple, but effective.

Would you believe that I was asked to come up with this at the last minute? I had no idea anything like this would be going on, so I was tasked with creating this one. I was going to say no at first, but I had a cool idea pop into my head and I figured I could knock it out real quick. I did and here you go.
This is the result of having plenty of time to come up with a design. I made three posters instead of one! I was really proud of this design and I got a lot of positive feedback for it. It felt good to have my artwork displayed all over the office. I miss those days. We haven't had a big office event in quite some time, though.
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