Faira and Alberto's Wedding - August 22, 2009
My best friend Alberto got married to the lovely Faira last weekend. Here are some pictures I took with my camera phone. I'll post better ones when I get them!
I was commissioned to do an art project for the wedding. The idea was to tell the story of how they met and what happens now that they are married. It took two weeks of hard work, having only a few hours every evening. I think I did a good job. Berto and Faira loved it and the guests got a kick out of it. I even made keepsakes that the happy couple handed out to all of the guests. With Alberto's help, I wrote the descriptions as well. My other friend Orlando translated the story into Spanish. Here you go:
Faira found Alberto in Las Vegas . He approached her and she smiled at him. They knew then that they were made for each other. But…..

…..She lives in
….He will happily relocate.

Here is how the story was displayed at the reception:

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