
Showing posts from 2009

Today I Feel: Dissected

This represents my constant feeling of being analyzed, picked apart, etc. Why do people find me so interesting? I wonder.

Today I Feel: Jaded

I'm feeling awfully self-important nowadays. Now I'm being immortalized as a Jade statue. I imagine people will come from miles around to see me, too. It's good to be me!

Today I Feel: Posted

I want to be immortalized on a US Postage stamp one day. A co-worker of mine told me that I would have to die in order for that to happen. Also, I'll have to be famous enough to even be considered. I better get started on my book, then!

Today I Feel: Used

How clever am I. I took a negative emotion like the feeling of being 'used' and I made it cute and funny! Ho ho ho. I dunno. I have silly ideas from time to time. And this is one of them.

Today I Feel: Cocky

Good morning everybody! I usually hate Mondays, but today feels different. Maybe it will turn out to be a good day.

Today I Feel: Divided

No, I'm not depressed or anything, but I'm not exactly ecstatic either. It's December 4th and I still haven't shopped for Christmas yet. I have a major art project that I have to finish by next week and it's going much slower than it needs to. Sigh.

Today I Feel: Unusual

There is a touch of oddness in the air today. Maybe it's the overcast. I hate cloudy weather. I think it may rain this weekend. Oh well. I guess I Have to deal with it.

Today I Feel: Imaginative

This piece is inspired by Rene Magritte, one of my favorite artists. I like to think I have a great imagination. I hope whoever reads this blog thinks so too!

Today I Feel: Ordinary

I'm trying to get back into the routine after being off work for a few days. I admit I like sitting at home doing nothing. I've been so busy lately that I've been missing out on the simple things. That's part of the reason why I'm taking a break from the daily pics.

Today I Feel: Stuffed

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. Though as I am stuffed, I'm also broke. Shopping has its repercussions after all.

Today I Feel: Thankful

I'm thankful for a lot of things. I'm having a great life so far. No complaints, really. Not like last year's thanksgiving. I was pretty down then. Oh well, let's not go there. This is the time for positivity. I'm thankful for my creativity, my family and my friends. And tomorrow, I'll be thankful for a full stomach. Laters!

Today I Feel: Festive

Thanksgiving is getting ever so close. I'm so bad at waiting. I want it to be thanksgiving right now! Anyway, I like this piece. It's a break from the norm. Maybe when I start these up again, I'll do more like it.

Today I Feel: Seasoned

I love this time of year. Family and Friends. Good food, good company. Why can't the whole year be this pleasant? Today I start my fasting. My stomach should be good and empty by Thanksgiving day!

Today I Feel: Pursued

Usually around this time of the year, Everyone asks me to create some artwork of some kind. Christmas parties, baby showers, tattoos, etc. What am I? A machine? Sigh. It breaks my heart to have to turn people down for that kind of stuff, but I have a major art project that I absolutely must start now, and I don't have any room for much else. Also, at the end of the year, I plan to take a hiatus from the daily "Today I Feel" pics. It's getting too tough for me to keep up and I have some traveling to do coming in January. I may start it up again sometime.

Today I Feel: Motivated

I have a tough day of work ahead of me. This whole week has been tough, actually. I'll have to suck it up and do it. I'll need some coffee...

Today I Feel: Vain

Nothing much to say other than I feel especially handsome today! I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

Today I Feel: Ambitious

Giving Art Deco a try on this one. This reflects my desire to move forward. Wish me luck!

Today I Feel: Grouchy

It's Monday and I just had a full weekend. Not much lazing around. I hate when that happens. I need at least one day of doing nothing before I go back to work!

Today I Feel: In Full Swing

Friday is here and I'm feeling better. Perhaps I will go to work today. It sucks feeling ill. I couldn't even get many pictures done. I look forward to the weekend. I'll be seeing a lot of my old friends!

Today I Feel: Victorious

Still not feeling well. I'm hitting the bed right after I post this. Maybe this one will inspire me to feel better...

Today I Feel: Raw

conveniently enough, I'm feeling ill today. my throat is 'raw'. not exactly what I had in mind for today, bu that's how it goes I guess. Oh well. I'll just have to make the best of it.

Today I Feel: Under the Radar

This is me 90% of the time. No one knows what I'm really like or what I can really do. Sometimes I like it. People annoy me, so the less they notice me, the better.

Today I Feel: Sophisticated

Wow. I almost went a whole day without putting my new pic up. It's been that kind of day! Anyway, Enjoy. This is one of my favorites. I'm into the show, Mad Men. I wish I were as stylish as the guys on that show. I try, though! Anyway, I was pleased with how this came out. It could be a poster.

Today I Feel: Wild

Today, I'm letting it all hang out. Me and the guys are going to get together and party. Unlike the book this drawing is based on, my friends aren't monsters. They are big and hairy though. ;-)

Today I Feel: Zen

After a hectic Wednesday, Some enlightenment will do me some good.

Today I Feel: Competitive

I usually don't try to go head to head with others, but this is the year for change. So look out! I'm ready for you!

Today I Feel: Avant-Garde

I'm taking a different approach today. My work is usually linear, but my life is not. Is my art imitating life, or vice-versa?

Today I Feel: Gloomy

Halloween didn't go as planned, but I did get to spend some time with a dear friend that night. As for today, I have to spend the day taking care of my sick daughter. Today's picture is fitting for the occasion I think.

Today I Feel: Malevolent

Halloween is tomorrow! Try not to party too hard. I, unfortunately cannot promise that. ;-)

Today I Feel: Spirited

I live Halloween. It let's me bring out my weirder side and everyone's okay with it. Continuing my Halloween theme, here is one I came up with out of nowhere, really. I do like haunted houses, but only 'fake' haunted houses. The real ones, not so much!

Today I Feel: Wicked

I'm cooking up something very special. Come and have a taste, won't you? I only use the freshest ingredients. Heh heh heh! --erm, Ignore the wicked laughter. There's absolutley nothing to be afraid of. ;-)

Today I Feel: Cursed

Every time a bunch of bad things happen to me all at once, I feel there's some curse on me. I can think of a few people that would be evil enough to do such a thing. Such a shame that I have enemies like that. And I'm only 30!

Today I Feel: Batty

I don't feel quite right. My nerves are shot. I crave human blood. What is going on with me? This week does not look good.

Today I Feel: Thirsty

Ah, fresh blood! It's a shame my dear friend Sandy had to be sacrificed. This happens every time I let someone get too close. Oh, It's a lonely life for a vampire. I can't feel bad for too long though. I still have a few more friends left...

Today I Feel: Resurrected

I feel this way when I wake up every day. Like I've been dead for years and now I;m back to roam the earth. Is that good or bad?

Today I Feel: Possessed

Uh, for some reason, this picture disturbs me. I wanted to create something creepy for Halloween, but I was a little too successful. I won't even watch 'The Exorcist' ever again, that's for sure.

Today I Feel: Alive!

Oddly enough, this is how I look when I get out of bed every morning.

Today I Feel: Tortured

For the next two weeks, I'll be expressing my emotions while celebrating Halloween. Today's piece comes from 'A Clockwork Orange'. I can relate to this film because I sometimes feel like society is out to get me. Viddy well, my little droogies.

Today I Feel: Inspired

I've come up with a lot of good ideas lately. I just had one last night that made me damn-near giddy: Christmas gifts - More on that later.

Today I Feel: Stained

Me fooling around again. Imagine if someone actually went through the trouble of making a stained glass mural of this for real? I might give it a try one day. Know any churches that need a stained glass mural?

Today I Feel: Wanted

I saw "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly" for the first time and I loved it. It inspired me to make this piece.

Today I Feel: Destructive

Look at this face. Is this the face of a man you want to piss off? Nope. Didn't think so!

Today I Feel: Hypnotic

I can make anything happen today. The whole world is under my control. Look into my eyes.....

Today I Feel: Expressive

I express myself through my pictures. How do you express yourself?

Today I Feel: Prickly

I'm having one of those days today. Don't let the cute face fool you. You will get stung!

Today I Feel: Sandwiched

No, this isn't some representation of my inner turmoil or some metaphor for the weight of the world weighing on me. I'm just goofing around today. I thought it was a funny idea to show me stuffed between two pieces of bread. It's Wednesday, hump day. Give me a break.

Today I Feel: Fatherly

Cyan and I went hiking only once. We have to do a lot more. I want her to be adventurous and outdoorsy like her daddy! Maybe the next time I go to Yosemite, I'll take her with me. Not Half-Dome, though. Maybe when she's older.

Today I Feel: Trustworthy

Come on, look at this face! Would I Lie? Wouldn't you buy insurance from me? I would!

Today I Feel: LIke Diving In

This piece represents freedom. It's like to hell with everything going on. I'm just going to jump in. Mind you, in real life, I Can't swim, so this would be suicide for me, but here, in cartoon form, I can do whatever. Perhaps I'll even survive the drop and do something even more wild and crazy!

Today I Feel: Psychedelic

This one is for the weird days. You know the ones. Today is looking that way already.