
Showing posts from July, 2009

Today I Feel:

Have a good weekend everyone!

Today I Feel:

I'm not quite what I should be. Still under construction. Though I imagine the final piece will turn out magnificent!

Today I Feel:


Today I Feel:

Today I want to do something I wouldn't normally do. Be bold. Go against my better judgement, etc. wish me luck!

How am I Feeling Today?

I am running a series that expresses my emotion for every weekday. Work will do that to you. Anyway, here is how I feel today: I created this one a while back when I got dissed. You'll see a lot more like these in the future.

Comic-Con 2009

I just got back from Comic-Con 2009!! This was my seventh trip to the annual event and this year was amazing. I had my friends from Oakland, Texas and even a Local San Diego buddy joined in the fun. I hope to do this again next year! check out some pics. I will have to bring a better camera next time. Sandy, Snoopy, Joanne, and Me A family of Apes Adrian Paul from Highlander


2009 is the Year that I officially grow a pair! Those who know me know exactly what I mean by that statement. I have been an artist for years, drawing pictures for my friends, loved ones and co-workers. Starting now, I am on a mission to be an artist for everyone. My plans include: Create a book of artwork and have it on sale by this summer of next year. Start a series I developed using valentine's Day as a theme (more on this later). Create a Calendar of my best work and have it for sale alongside my first book. I will begin posting all sorts of artwork soon. Please visit often!